<script type='text/javascript'>
window.onload = function()
// Initialize all textareas.
// If bCols is false then columns will not be resized.
function taInit(bCols)
var i, ta = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
for (i = 0; i < ta.length; ++i)
ta[i]._ta_resize_cols_ = bCols;
ta[i]._ta_default_rows_ = ta[i].rows;
ta[i]._ta_default_cols_ = ta[i].cols;
ta[i].onkeyup = taExpand;
ta[i].onmouseover = taExpand;
ta[i].onmouseout = taRestore;
ta[i].onfocus = taOnFocus;
ta[i].onblur = taOnBlur;
function taOnFocus(e)
this._ta_is_focused_ = true;
function taOnBlur()
this._ta_is_focused_ = false;
// Set to default size if not focused.
function taRestore()
if (!this._ta_is_focused_)
this.rows = this._ta_default_rows_;
if (this._ta_resize_cols_)
this.cols = this._ta_default_cols_;
// Resize rows and cols to fit text.
function taExpand()
var a, i, r, c = 0;
a = this.value.split('\n');
if (this._ta_resize_cols_)
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) // find max line length
if (a[i].length > c)
c = a[i].length;
if (c < this._ta_default_cols_)
c = this._ta_default_cols_;
this.cols = c;
r = a.length;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i].length > this.cols) // find number of wrapped lines
c += Math.floor(a[i].length / this.cols);
r = c + a.length; // add number of wrapped lines to number of lines
if (r < this._ta_default_rows_)
r = this._ta_default_rows_;
this.rows = r;